that you’re right where you are supposed to be?
Nine months ago
I remember walking erratically up and down
a cold country road,
my cell phone crackling
with poor reception,
as I told my mentor Andy
that I wouldn't be able to come
to the next Higher Laws event
because it was nine months away
and so was my baby.
That was fine, exciting news, of course.
We started talking about other edges
and, as always seems to happen
when I am in a coaching session,
my walking pattern soon took on a crazed intensity
of pacing and whirling, flapping and stomping,
because Andy was doing his long distance
spiritual kung fu moves
on my soul.
Have you ever had someone get a good firm
soul lock
around your Purpose for being on the planet,
and then hold you there
in the blissful agony
and inescapability of it?
This he does over the freaking phone!
Andy Benjamin knows how to work me
because he knows Alignment
like a chiropractor
knows your spine.
He knows how to do
an adjustment
an adjustment
on my heart
with just a few powerful questions.
Now, the question of where I was supposed to be
in December of this year
was out of Andy’s hands
and out of mine,
but God knew
that the baby in my tummy would dissolve
and that December would find me
In St. George, Utah
at Ultimate Health
Ultimate Wealth
If a phone call with Andy
has that certain crack and pop
of life-bones going back into place,
being in St. George
for a Higher Laws event
is more like
full on surgery.
There are barely words
for what 5 days with
Brandon Broadwater
does to the soul.
It is quite impossible to describe.
I will share just one word.
It is a word
that gets activated
every time Brandon's
masterful gift of delivery
I'm so eager for the blade,
leaning so far in,
that my spirit is hovering a few inches
in front of my body.
Brandon speaks:
"In the moment
when you feel
like you need to back off --
as you're hitting your edge
go full throttle.
Slowing down
and braking here
could be deadly.
Go faster
to keep in control.
will burn
the fear
out of you."
What do you think this one word is?
I will give you a hint.
It is one of the 6
absolutely compelling needs
that drive all
human beings.
If you think
these are cute and friendly needs
that are easy to negotiate with,
you've probably never tried
to change one!
There is a way...
but it seems to involve a lot of
heat and speed and kickboxing moves.
It's a Master's work,
and it's the kind of training
I'm here to get.
But back to my one word.
You may not realize this about me.
It's not going to make sense...
You're going to say, "whaaaaaat?"
but it's true...
My top driving need is
Even though I am the ultimate Zen master of
going with the flow,
even though I'd rather throw myself to the wind
than endure a series of predictable days,
even though I am the opposite of a control freak,
My top need is for
Ultimate Certainty.
Andy knows this.
He's heard my language patterns over and again.
He knows that when I honestly say, "I'm at 99%"
I may as well say zero.
There is this thing in me.
My Black or White thing.
My "if I can't be absolutely 100% certain that it's
True, Good, Noble, Right, Pure,
and did I mention TRUE...
and did I mention TRUE...
I am not in.
This can be both awesome
and a bit limiting ;)
These 5 days in Utah
have transacted
a quantum shift in my needs structure,
which I'm looking forward
to busting loose in life!
Let me ask you a question...
How liberating would it be to
know what's driving you?
What if you could unlock the thing that compels
your poor quality decisions,
work with it,
and shift it if necessary?
What if you could find better-than-ever ways
to satisfy the needs
that compel
your behaviours?
That's the kind of ninja stealth moves
I'm learning here!
I love this stuff!
Me and my roomies in our sweet condo

This can be both awesome
and a bit limiting ;)
These 5 days in Utah
have transacted
a quantum shift in my needs structure,
which I'm looking forward
to busting loose in life!
Let me ask you a question...
How liberating would it be to
know what's driving you?
What if you could unlock the thing that compels
your poor quality decisions,
work with it,
and shift it if necessary?
What if you could find better-than-ever ways
to satisfy the needs
that compel
your behaviours?
That's the kind of ninja stealth moves
I'm learning here!
I love this stuff!
Me and my roomies in our sweet condo
You are amazing, Ginette!!